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Mary Rush Artist - Wildfeather Fine Art

Secrets of the Past - 11 x 8.5 inches - Acrylic Collage on Paper

Secrets of the Past - 11 x 8.5 inches - Acrylic Collage on Paper

Regular price $295.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $295.00 USD
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About this Painting

Secrets of the Past
Acrylic Collage on Paper
Artwork: 11 x 8.5 inches
Mat: 14 x 11 inches

The 5th in a series of six collage paintings. This one is a complete surprise. During one of my morning walks to the salt mine, I was enchanted with the side of the mountain. I had never seen the wispy yellow wildflowers and other wildflowers and scrub bushes scattered up its side. The colors were muted except that yellow. The plants were scattered. There was lots of space between them. I loved the colors and the subtly of the scene. However, when I went to paint an abstraction of it, something else entirely happened. The colors smooshed and collided with one another. What do you think?

Let me know what you think. Contact me.

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